SADC - Groundwater Management Institute presents

Transboundary Groundwater Governance and Management in River Basin Organisations (BUPUSACOM)

2024-04-10 08:00 - 2024-04-12 17:00 @ Zoom / Teams


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Event Details

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the course, participants will understand the following aspects of transboundary groundwater management:

The transboundary groundwater management needs in RBOs The challenges faced in transboundary groundwater management and the need for improved governance to address these problems Transboundary groundwater policy, legal and institutional frameworks The role of monitoring and information management in transboundary groundwater management The role of stakeholder participation in transboundary groundwater management


  • James Sauramba (SADC-GMI Executive Director) – groundwater policy, legal and institutional (PLI) expert
  • Kevin Pietersen (SADC-GMI Senior Consultant) – Hydrogeologist with extensive expertise in groundwater resources development
  • Batanayi Gwangwawa (Regional Environmental & Social Management Specialist) – GESI expert
  • Gerald Mundondwa (Senior Groundwater Specialist) – expert in transboundary water resources governance

Instruction modality: Virtual Language: English with Portuguese translation Instruction time: 6 hours over two days

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